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Digitization Of HR And Payroll Department With Custom Approval Workflows

Problem Statement:
The customer wants to digitize their HR and payroll access request process and create custom approval workflows. They also require a solution to allow e-signing of documents using a touchscreen.

After assessing the customer’s environment, we proposed the following solution on GCP:

  • Digitization of HR and Payroll Access Request forms – We created two separate data entry forms for HR and payroll access requests using Google Cloud’s AppSheet, a no-code development platform. Upon submission, we triggered separate approval workflows using Google Cloud Workflows, which can be customized to meet the customer’s specific needs.
  • e-Signing of documents using Canvas App – We used Google Cloud’s AppSheet to create a single-page e-sign PDF document that allows users to sign documents digitally using a touchscreen. The data, including digital signatures, is captured and stored in a Google Cloud SQL database, which can be used for reporting purposes.
  • Custom Approval Workflows – We used Google Cloud Workflows to create custom approval workflows for HR and payroll access requests. The workflows are triggered automatically upon submission of the forms and route requests to the appropriate approvers. The approval comments are captured and stored in Google Cloud SQL database.
  • Integration with Google Workspace – We integrated the HR and payroll access request forms with Google Workspace to pre-fill requestor information. Additionally, we integrated with Google Cloud SQL to fetch Facilities and CFO details.
  • Dynamic email notifications – We used Google Cloud Functions to send dynamic email notifications to the appropriate approvers for HR and payroll access requests. The email content is filled dynamically by integrating with Google Cloud SQL and a custom database.

We also implemented a custom database using Google Cloud Firestore to store the data captured from the e-signing process and HR/payroll access request forms. The data can be used for reporting purposes and can be accessed securely through GCP.

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